Tuesday 15 February 2011

Only dead paintings are executed

At the moment I'm working on a series of 8 paintings based on the squares of a map. It's not the map above, though drawings made from that one will be used later on in the process. The one I'm using is one of the shipping route maps I mentioned in a previous post.

I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone by not planning the paintings too much, as is my habit. I've been working and reworking them, and trying to be more experimental with paint handling. I think it's too early to judge yet how they're turning out, but I hope that by challenging myself I'll grow in confidence with my oil painting!

I also had my mid-year assessment last week with my tutor, Virginia Verran (Winner of the 2010 Jerwood Drawing Prize, don't you know!) which went well. She suggested that I start a "quotes book" to keep a track of things that interest me that may not necessarily be to do with my studio practice, but that inspire me. I only have two so far, but I'll share the first one because it's the one I keep repeating to myself...

"Only dead paintings are executed. Living ones come into being. They are a record of decisions; the sum of actions taken and reactions to them, of judgements made and of the reconsiderations and revisions that those initial judgements prompt. Painting is process; painting is doubt; painting is the suspension of disbelief and the physical affirmation of formal and material intuitions for which there is no prior justification. Painting is what painters do while others argue about painting."

- Robert Storr, Cage- Six Paintings by Gerhard Richter

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