Friday 21 January 2011

Exhibition pieces

From 2nd-12th February I will be showing a triptych of paintings in the Fine Art Level 2 Show at The Poly in Falmouth (if you're from around here please go and have a look or come to the Private View on Tuesday 1st!).
There's no particular brief for this exhibition, it just gives the staff, students and members of the public a chance to glimpse what we've been up to since October 2010. These are my as yet untitled paintings, with my artist's statement underneath...

"My work is concerned with the overlap between the physical world and our perception of it. Recently I have been exploring negative space in my drawings: focusing only on the space in between and surrounding solid objects. I am interested in the way this can create fragmented images and bring up new associations that are unique to each viewer. Systems and structures are layered with elements relating to sensation, memory and sound, informed by my personal experience of synaesthesia."
On a slightly less arty-farty level, I am happier with these paintings than anything I have done previously, certainly since starting my degree course. I feel like they represent my intentions much more clearly and are the kind of work that I've wanted to make for quite a while, and could never quite get to.

The central image was only half-done in my opinion- I was going to build up the layers to a similar extent as the other two- but my tutor Virginia said she thought it worked well as it was, and that it acted as a "pause" separating the others. After looking at the images with this fresh viewpoint I'm glad I stopped where I did. Now I'll just have to wait and see what everyone else thinks when they go on show on the 1st!

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