Wednesday 10 November 2010

BA(Hons) Fine Art- First Year, Part II

And so to the rest of my work from first year!
After starting off looking at pixellation in painting, I wanted to introduce another element to my work. I was inspired by an idea of Frank Auerbach's to represent the movement of objects and animals in a landscape by documenting them with coloured lines, and began to experiment with this idea in conjunction with line drawings:

In these two images, green lines represent people, blue lines seagulls, grey lines pigeons, purple lines "other birds", and red and cream lines were the headlights of cars. Yes, that's about as exciting as street life gets in Falmouth! I then began to use this idea in conjunction with pixellation:

In another painting, I tried juxtaposing clusters of pixels with a looser style of painting:

This combination of painting styles eventually led me to my final series of work, based on the city of Berlin. In these paintings, I used photographs I had taken there to create pixel paintings which provided a background to a variety of other painting languages:

The next set of images show my final painting of the year which was exhibited in our first year exhibition, and details from this piece.

The very last pieces of work from my first year were done inside a novel. Inspired by Tom Phillips' Humument, I made a few paintings and drawings on the pages of the book, leaving certain areas of text showing through and thereby creating little poems. These images haven't led to any other work so far, but who knows if they will in the future!

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