Friday 9 September 2011

Fancy a dip?

Today I went on a day out to Plymouth. I planned to do some sketching on The Hoe but it was far too misty to see anything :(
Instead I went with my sister to the lido and took lots of photos. I will probably donate most of them to her art project, that's why we were there, but I'm sure I can use them in my work somehow too...

Wednesday 7 September 2011

The little book of maps

One of the little projects I set myself in the last few weeks of second year was to make my own sketchbook. Falmouth has a brilliant little maritime bookshop which I investigated one rainy Saturday, and discovered a treasure trove of old maps and sea charts. I bought one and chopped it up to make pages for 2 of these little sketchbooks. I don't think it's bad for a first attempt, it hasn't fallen apart yet anyway!

Examples of sketches will come in a future post.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Horrendously neglected

The title says it all. Islands and Cities has indeed been horrendously neglected... and I have no excuse. 

However, we have kissed and made up, and I have made lots of promises of being better in the future, which I hope I can keep. In keeping with this new spirit, I will fill the gap of the last 5 months with some pictures of what I've been up to artistically since then. Admittedly it isn't much, but please take into account that 2 of those months have been spent working in a "proper job"!

The four drawings above are tracings of satellite photographs. I won't go into detail about what or where they depict, because personally I'm more drawn to the shapes and forms they make. I made several of these tracings, which informed my paintings towards the end of second year.

This piece was something I did absent-mindedly while stuck for ideas- just glueing an old drawing on tracing paper to a half-finished painting! However, my tutor really liked it, and it fit nicely with my investigations into the layering of paintings and drawings.

These two paintings were in progress in my previous post. As you can (hopefully) see, some of the satellite tracings made their way into these pieces.

I made a pair of larger paintings after this series, but due to my laptop dying, I will have to wait to go back to uni to re-photograph them!