Wednesday 9 March 2011


Islands and Cities has been neglected for a while because there hasn't been that much to say! I had an eye ulcer that kept me at home for a week, and other than that the map paintings are coming along slooowly because I'm experimenting with different layering techniques and each one takes up to 3 days to dry :( it's rather frustrating!
However, here's how they look at the moment:

The original 8 paintings has been diminished to 4, just so that it's quicker and I can use the other 4 boards for the next set of paintings. The top two on here have one more layer of imagery on them than the bottom two, which is why they look denser. I'm not massively enthusiastic about these- there are bits I like and bits I don't, but the main aim of doing them is just to try out different painting, drawing and layering techniques so I can take the best ideas forward into larger pieces of work.

Tutorial tomorrow so we'll see what Virginia says!